Light July 17, 2019

July 17, 2019 This mornings I prayed: “May my plans be Your plans.” As I thought about those words, I realised that this was not the prayer I needed…or wanted. “May YOUR plans be my plans.” Is that too fine a distinction? I don’t think so; it is a necessary shift. It is His plans…

What to Say? July 16, 2019

July 16, 2019 Was going to post something else today, but then saw a question in a closed group. A Mom (who lost her child), was asking why people who have not lived through the death of a child, say that God is good and answers prayers and they are blessed. It is sometimes difficult…

I Love You More July 11, 2019

I have a playlist titled “Ashley” that I’ve created and listened to for the last 81 days. The Isaacs are one of my favorites and this song is so fitting. I pray it encourages you and lifts your spirit today. As I’m sure many of us Moms do, when one of us (me to kids…

Joy July 6, 2019

Edited…multiple times. Ashley lived, and I am so very proud that she was mine. She was a kind, feisty, beautiful soul, who desired love, kindness, and beauty in her life. I will forever speak her name with love, and more pride than I could ever express. Ashley Giffen. For those of you who have loved…

Puzzles July 2, 2019

July 2, 2019 So much in my life right now is bittersweet. I walk a line between this relentless grief and joy of my memories with Ashley. Right now, grief mostly wins. It has been ten weeks without my Sunshine, 72 days since I have held her and touched her. Every day, I want her…


Welcome to Gayla’s Life, a place where I hope we can visit, a place where I can share my thoughts and what God is teaching me. This life has been quite a journey, and I hope you will journey it with me. On April 21, 2019 (Easter Sunday), this life I live changed forever, in…