Living this life the best I know how…Jesus is my Savior…getting me through these moments that add up to a life….a journey. I’m a wife to Bill, a Mom to my heavenly daughter Ashley, and my son Zach. Just so we’re clear… I’m also Mom to Max, my Toy Schnauzer, and a caretaker to four chickens (Red, Peggy Sue, Ethel (my favorite!), and Lucy. I’m also a daughter and sister. Last, I’m a NICU nurse to the most precious beings on this earth. There it is in a nutshell. Grief? Well, that has been a life-changer. Losing my precious daughter is the most wrenching pain imaginable (or unimaginable). So, what’s a girl to do? Well, I write. As I’ve done this grief journey, I haven’t found a lot of helpful books. And at 2+ years in, a lot of people no longer want to hear about Ashley or the pain that still floods my heart. Grief is a part of this life. Losing a child is not the normal part of life…completely unnatural. Yet, grief in its many forms will hit us in one way or another. Grief is a taboo subject, making people uncomfortable…it should not be. I want to bring it out in the open…to talk about it. The hard parts, the hopeful parts, the dark parts. I want others to have a voice for their grief, too. I don’t want society to shut me up because I somehow don’t meet their expectations of “acceptable” grief. I do talk about other things in my life, but grief…yeah, that’s a big one! And just so you know up front…I’m not a concise wordsmith…I travel down rabbit holes and more rabbit holes to get where I’m going. I hope you’ll travel with me down those many rabbit holes! Because for most of us…that’s life…not a straight line, but mountains and valleys and rabbit holes…and maybe a few chickens along the way! So, welcome. I hope my words give you insight on grief, and on Ashley, and how my Savior continues to get me through each and every moment. And that you, sweet friends, are not alone on this journey of life. 💕

Firemen & BBQ Sept. 9, 2019

September 9, 2019 Yesterday, Bill and I took his delicious BBQ (brisket and ribs) to the fire station (Houston Fire Station 78) that came to our aid the night we found Ashley. They are right next door to where she lived, and on that night, I was able to go to the balcony and call…

Barbie Bandaids Sept. 7, 2019

September 7, 2019 I hate the good-byes of this journey. They are constant, and unexpected…like a bandage being ripped off. Every bandage is one more goodbye, an acknowledgement of Ashley’s absence, of her loss in my life. With most painful things in my life in the past, I preferred to rip that thing off, get…

Journey August 21, 2019

August 21, 2019 I am headed out tomorrow on a grief journey. For the past two and a half months, I’ve tried to leave. Oklahoma was my destination of choice…family (looootttttss of family 😍), friends. I have the sweetest aunt and uncle who lost their son a year ago, and I thought it would be perhaps…

Scars August 17, 2019

August 17, 2019 We all have them. Physical scars, emotional scars. You cannot make it through this life without pain…without scars. What started this post was this: I was thinking about Ashley and about heaven, and how she will be different and how she will be the same. That led me to think about her…

Ashley’s Joy

August 8, 2019 I can hear Ashley in my head. She’s saying to me, “Mooooommmm, enough! Where’s the joy?” I don’t feel a lot of joy these days, but Ashley was so full of joy. She loved laughter and she loved making people laugh. (So, I opened up this post of FB for stories of…

You Say August 2, 2019

You Say This post is difficult (and too long), and deeply revealing regarding Ashley’s life. It falls to me to be her voice, and that is a great responsibility because she would have made her mark on this world. As I’ve prayed about this, I’ve felt that I have her blessing, but have still green…

Feet of Jesus July 29, 2019

July 29, 2019 I’m in a perpetual place of no time. Time as I knew it no longer exists. And yet, it persists. Continually marching on. Never mind that I want all time to stop. To cease. As of April 19th. Two days before Ashley left this world. Tow days before my life did a…

Glory July 27, 2019

July 27, 2019 Death. Glory. It seems like two opposites, and yet it’s that bittersweet razor’s edge I’ve mentioned before. Two seemingly unrelated, even oppositional words.  So, death. This has been such a difficult word for me to use. I’ve avoided it as much as possible. But that is the reality, and I can now…

The Unexpected July 20, 2019

The Unexpected July 20, 2019 The unexpected. The last 90 days have had many unexpected moments, starting with finding Ashley and her subsequent death. Since then, so many unexpected moments of catching my breath…again. Of heartbreak…again. Of brokenness…again. Of pain…again. Of joy…again. Moments. Memories. Unexpected. Things you never think about, until your child is gone:…

Light July 17, 2019

July 17, 2019 This mornings I prayed: “May my plans be Your plans.” As I thought about those words, I realised that this was not the prayer I needed…or wanted. “May YOUR plans be my plans.” Is that too fine a distinction? I don’t think so; it is a necessary shift. It is His plans…