Living this life the best I know how…Jesus is my Savior…getting me through these moments that add up to a life….a journey. I’m a wife to Bill, a Mom to my heavenly daughter Ashley, and my son Zach. Just so we’re clear… I’m also Mom to Max, my Toy Schnauzer, and a caretaker to four chickens (Red, Peggy Sue, Ethel (my favorite!), and Lucy. I’m also a daughter and sister. Last, I’m a NICU nurse to the most precious beings on this earth. There it is in a nutshell. Grief? Well, that has been a life-changer. Losing my precious daughter is the most wrenching pain imaginable (or unimaginable). So, what’s a girl to do? Well, I write. As I’ve done this grief journey, I haven’t found a lot of helpful books. And at 2+ years in, a lot of people no longer want to hear about Ashley or the pain that still floods my heart. Grief is a part of this life. Losing a child is not the normal part of life…completely unnatural. Yet, grief in its many forms will hit us in one way or another. Grief is a taboo subject, making people uncomfortable…it should not be. I want to bring it out in the open…to talk about it. The hard parts, the hopeful parts, the dark parts. I want others to have a voice for their grief, too. I don’t want society to shut me up because I somehow don’t meet their expectations of “acceptable” grief. I do talk about other things in my life, but grief…yeah, that’s a big one! And just so you know up front…I’m not a concise wordsmith…I travel down rabbit holes and more rabbit holes to get where I’m going. I hope you’ll travel with me down those many rabbit holes! Because for most of us…that’s life…not a straight line, but mountains and valleys and rabbit holes…and maybe a few chickens along the way! So, welcome. I hope my words give you insight on grief, and on Ashley, and how my Savior continues to get me through each and every moment. And that you, sweet friends, are not alone on this journey of life. 💕

Letting Go Feb 6, 2021

February 6, 2021 The letting go is hard. I love holding on to things…things I can physically hold, things that have memories, things that are a part of my heart because they are memories of a beautiful past. I call myself a memory saver because I like to treasure the tangible things that are tied…

Safe January 23, 2021

January 23, 2021 My morning devotional started with this: “The Lord will save me…”, which wasn’t really the focus of the devotional, and I kind of passed over it, though it ended with this: “The Lord delivered me. The Lord will deliver us.” Not really expecting a literal manifestation of this. Little did I know…

Quilt November 26, 2020

November 26, 2020 Spent today with my precious family, and had a very special gift for my Dad. Carol Pierce worked so hard to get this quilt made. It is perfect…beautiful! I see my beloved Ashley in every fibre, every thread. The stars are made from Ashley’s baby clothes (and one Zach blanket). So many…

Words October 20, 2020

October 20, 2020 NOTE: If you only read one thing, please read Ashley’s paper (the end of my post), which she wrote honoring her Papa. It’s a beautiful tribute from her 14-year-old heart for a man many love and admire, but only five of whom know him as their beloved, precious Papa. Our words matter.…

Absence October 11, 2020

October 11, 2020 I feel her absence in every beat of my heart. I feel her absence when I look at her picture and long to touch that precious face. I feel her absence in the darkness of night, in the first light of dawn, and the waking moments in between. I feel her absence…

Pieces 2 (Justina) Oct 9, 2020

October 9, 2020 I have the kindest NICU/PEDI family, and am so thankful for them. If you read my last post, Pieces, this is a follow-up to it. My sweet coworker and sister in Christ, Justina, made this gorgeous piece for me after seeing my post about Ashley’s mug. And, I love that it’s something…

Pieces Sept 24, 2020

September 24, 2020 Ashley’s mug…shattered. The mug I have used for over a year. To have coffee every morning as I read God’s Word and talk with Him, as I think about Ashley, and talk with her. A sacred part of my new routine. Pieces. All the emotions and memories I hold so close…shared memories…

Psalm 139 September 18, 2020

September 18, 2020 My Dad, Kenneth, is battling stage 4 squamous cell carcinoma. He underwent surgery less than a month ago. The latest biopsy showed that the carcinoma is back in his neck. After many complications and delays, he will have his first chemo treatment on Monday, 9/21. This past Monday, 9/14, he had a…

Dad & Mom July 24, 2020

July 24, 2020 My Dad has been battling non-Hodgkin lymphoma for over 20 years. This past year he was diagnosed with stage 4 squamous cell carcinoma. Both of my parents are the kindest, Godliest people I know. Dad will drop whatever he is doing to pray with you, and to share God’s love and his…

Love – July 11, 2020

July 11, 2020 Recently, I have been rather consumed with “looking” for Ashley, and rather upset with God for not answering the multitude of prayers I have laid at His feet. I do believe that Ashley sends me “love notes” in the form of butterflies and heart clouds and dragonflies and other little ways. But…