Two Years…Just Jesus April 21, 2021

Two Years…Just Jesus April 21, 2021 April 21, 2021 This life…This journey…There is Jesus! Each of us has a different path in this life…a story that is unique to you and to me. A story that will one day be told to your children, and your grandchildren, and perhaps one or two that will even…

Easter Baskets April 1, 2021

April 1, 2021 Many years ago (2002ish?), my Sunday School friends at church worked with me to deliver around 250 Easter bags to Texas Children’s Hospital. Ashley was a help to her Mama, and she loved the experience of giving! Fast forward to 2013 when I was working at Memorial Hermann. We decided to again…

Time March 21, 2021

March 21, 2021 23 months… 100 weeks… 700 days… Since Ashley left me. Every day, I wonder how I’m still here. How does anyone survive such grief and loss?! Although my heart feels like it is broken in a million pieces…although I know Ashley took a part of it with her when she left…it continues…

Two Pink Hearts Feb 23, 2021

February 23, 2021 💕 I have been asked why I almost always use two pink hearts in my posts. 💕 Here’s the answer: 1) pink is Ashley’s favorite colour; 2) my heart and Ashley’s are forever connected. By using two hearts, I am bringing her with me to show that she is always a part…

Swimming Feb 17, 2021

February 17, 2021 These video came up on my photo memories today…Ashley’s last meet in 2014. I don’t remember where she placed, but I love that her ribbon was pink! She loved swimming, but she was so glad to be finished!! She was such a beautiful swimmer…such a beautiful soul. How I miss you, Ashley!…

Letting Go Feb 6, 2021

February 6, 2021 The letting go is hard. I love holding on to things…things I can physically hold, things that have memories, things that are a part of my heart because they are memories of a beautiful past. I call myself a memory saver because I like to treasure the tangible things that are tied…

Safe January 23, 2021

January 23, 2021 My morning devotional started with this: “The Lord will save me…”, which wasn’t really the focus of the devotional, and I kind of passed over it, though it ended with this: “The Lord delivered me. The Lord will deliver us.” Not really expecting a literal manifestation of this. Little did I know…