Two Pink Hearts Feb 23, 2021

February 23, 2021 💕 I have been asked why I almost always use two pink hearts in my posts. 💕 Here’s the answer: 1) pink is Ashley’s favorite colour; 2) my heart and Ashley’s are forever connected. By using two hearts, I am bringing her with me to show that she is always a part…

Swimming Feb 17, 2021

February 17, 2021 These video came up on my photo memories today…Ashley’s last meet in 2014. I don’t remember where she placed, but I love that her ribbon was pink! She loved swimming, but she was so glad to be finished!! She was such a beautiful swimmer…such a beautiful soul. How I miss you, Ashley!…

Letting Go Feb 6, 2021

February 6, 2021 The letting go is hard. I love holding on to things…things I can physically hold, things that have memories, things that are a part of my heart because they are memories of a beautiful past. I call myself a memory saver because I like to treasure the tangible things that are tied…