Butterflies Sept. 30, 2019

Sept. 30, 2019 Beautiful. Ephemeral. Big revelation coming; I love butterflies. Who doesn’t right? Since April 21st, I find myself drawn to them, and I see them more than I did before. Well, maybe I notice them more. I don’t like to think that I would have been oblivious to something so enchanting, but perhaps….…

Flood Sept. 20, 2019

Note: Our house floods fairly often, and this was written after being flooded. Today has been unexpectedly emotional. Cleaning…finding things I had forgotten about…finding things that are likely ruined, things I wasn’t ready to say “good-bye” to yet. So, this is my “Hope Chest”, which I’ve had for 36 years. It holds many special memories.…

Get-away Sept. 14-17, 2019

Get-aways have always been a needed retreat for me and Bill. Now that Ashley is gone, it has become even more important. We love Alpine and Big Bend…the quietness, serenity, and slower pace are so refreshing. As we left, I asked God for a special sign. It wasn’t what I asked Him for, but it…

Firemen & BBQ Sept. 9, 2019

September 9, 2019 Yesterday, Bill and I took his delicious BBQ (brisket and ribs) to the fire station (Houston Fire Station 78) that came to our aid the night we found Ashley. They are right next door to where she lived, and on that night, I was able to go to the balcony and call…

Barbie Bandaids Sept. 7, 2019

September 7, 2019 I hate the good-byes of this journey. They are constant, and unexpected…like a bandage being ripped off. Every bandage is one more goodbye, an acknowledgement of Ashley’s absence, of her loss in my life. With most painful things in my life in the past, I preferred to rip that thing off, get…